New Hampshire Day Care Centers

Education requirements in New Hampshire day care centers are high with the state government demanding that workers in these centers possess up to six college or university credits in the field of child care. Those who do not choose this route are required to have a minimum of a thousand hours of working in a day care center under the supervision of someone who meets the qualification requirements. These standards are extremely high and difficult to meet, and are perhaps some of the highest in the country. This leads to day care centers being less in number in New Hampshire, and also more expensive than is the norm. However, the system of sifting workers by means of educational qualification is far more successful than all the complex background checks that are required in other states. Generally speaking, it has been observed that New Hampshire day care centers are more effective and better run than day care centers elsewhere in the country.

We currently have 535 listings for day care centers and child care providers spanning 137 cities in New Hampshire. Please select your city in New Hampshire to see the day care centers, nannies, after school programs, and other child care providers for New Hampshire.

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